$30 + free shipping


White Iridescent Carnival Glass Egg Mug

~Westmoreland Glass~

ONLY 1500 made



Here is ONE OUTSTANDING, SHINY EGG CUP and it's SO CUTE!!! From the side you can see how badly that chick wants out of that egg! From the front you can see it's lovely face and beak!! This is 100% adorable!!

The iridescence is TOP NOTCH, shiny and brilliantly colored! 

Such an adorable novelty! I was informed that Westmoreland made it and that it's listed as scarce in the books.  Only 1500 were made in white. It's so cute! Don't pass it up!

Remember... FREE SHIPPING!

No damage!  

I use no artificial lighting, all is natural light from outdoors... this means I do not take a lamp outside with me to make my glass look shiny... inside when you open these items they will have a better shine because of your indoor lighting.  I don't use any super sheen products or anything on the glass other than mild detergent/soap to wash the dirt off with.



*Remember, no 2 pieces of carnival glass EVER look the same... if you like what you see here, then this is the one for you to buy.*

Approximate Dimensions

3 1/8 inches tall  
